It was in 1946 that Masaru Ibuka and Akio Morita together with a small team of passionate and committed group of employees started to build “Tokyo Tsushin Kenkyujo” (Totsuko), or “Tokyo Telecommunications Research Institute” to the billion dollar global conglomerate that it is today. The main objective of the company was to design and create innovative products which would benefit the people.
Sony’s globally renowned Sony ES (Extremely High Standard) series is the oldest Japanese manufactured high fidelity range of products, dating back to 1954 when the company released broadcast quality open reel recorders. The ES series of hi-fi components was officially launched in 1965 with the release of its first product – the TA1120 integrated amplifier. It was an instant hit, with the model lasting until 1976. ES stood for unmistakeable quality then, and continues to do so today.